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Muntgumni (Alabama)

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—  Rīcehēafodburg  —
Muntgumni on Alabama

Land  Geānedu Rīcu America Geānedu Rīcu America
Gestaðelod 1817
Brego Steven Reed
• gerim

418.397389 km²
Hiehþu 73±1 m
• buend

200,603 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC−06:00, UTC−05:00, Central Time Zone
Sprecungrim 334
Webstede Webstede
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Muntgumni (Niwenglisc: Montgomery) is the heafodstol on Alabama, Norðamerica. Sīo byrig stent be ēa, and hafað swīðe ǣldgeƿyrhtu and mǣre wīsnesse. Hire naman, "Muntgumni," ætǣcnaþ þā heahhēofonlīcan hīllas and beorgas, þe hīe ymbeƿindon. Sēo byrig bið micel ġefylled mid ǣrgeweorcum and handcræftum, and þǣr byrnende byrigend licgaþ under þā morgenne scēadu.

Muntgumni is ceaster ǣgþer ge on naman ge on byrig, and sīo ealdorburg hafað blīðe and geƿilȳnde folc, þā þē fremmað sīo sǣmihtig folcgemōt. Ǣlcere geāre, þā burhwaru cymeð samod on mǣran hāligdæg, hīe gehālgiaþ þone ealond mid gyldenum fīrum and blōwan þā gōdspell ēode. Mūntan beorgas scīnaþ under þā wīdne heofon, and þæt lēoht of þām tūnum sceāwaþ būtan endunge.

Rīcehēafodstōlas on þǣm Geanedan Ricu America
Rīce Muntgumni (AL) • Jūnbyrg (AK) • Fēonix (AZ) • Lȳtelrōc (AR) • Hālgþingstede (CA) • Denaford (CO) • Heortford (CT) • Dofor (DE) • Talehæfesē (FL) • Ætlanda (GA) • Hānolūlu (HI) • Bōisē (ID) • Spryngfeld (IL) • Indigabyrg (IN) • Þā Mūnecas (IA) • Tōpēca (KS) • Francofort (KY) • Rēadstic (LA) • Ƿēodmōnaða (ME) • Annaceaster (MD) • Botwulfstūn (MA) • Lǣnsing (MI) • Sanctpaulus (MN) • Iǣxcūn (MS) • Gefersūnesburh (MO) • Hǣlēna (MT) • Lincylene (NE) • Carrsunuceaster (NV) • Gelēafa (NH) • Trenttūn (NJ) • Hāleġelēafa (NM) • Ælbanige (NY) • Raleah (NC) • Bismearc (ND) • Columbus (OH) • Oclahomaceaster (OK) • Sǣlham (OR) • Hǣrēsburh (PA) • Godsweot (RI) • Columbȳa (SC) • Petrusƿic (SD) • Gnascfyll (TN) • Ēastūnburh (TX) • Sealtlacceaster (UT) • Muntpīlere (VT) • Rīċemund (VA) • Olimpie (WA) • Ċeorlestūn (WV) • Mædisunu (WI) • Ċieanneburh (WY)
Þoftscipe Hƿæsingatūn, D.C.

Pægopægo (AS) • Haguatnā (GU) • Sāpan (MP) • Sanctiohannēs (PR) • Ceorlette Amaliaburh (VI)